The multifluid diffusive model of G. P. Zank et al. (1994), which desc
ribes the interaction of the solar wind with a cometary plasma in the
outer coma, has been used to model the structure of the Halley bow sho
ck. The theoretical results are compared to in situ observations made
by Giotto. We compare the solar wind and cometary ion number densities
and pressures upstream and through the quasiperpendicular and quasi-p
arallel shocks (observed on the inbound and outbound legs of the encou
nter, respectively). In general, good agreement is found between theor
y and observations in terms of shock structure, strength, and location
, especially for the quasi-parallel shock. The comparison between the
quasi-perpendicular shock observations and theory is complicated by th
e apparently nonstationary behavior of the shock, a feature which has
been remarked upon by other investigators. The cometary bow shock appe
ars to be an excellent example of an energetic-particle-mediated shock
where the energetic particles comprise less than 10% of the total num
ber density.