ScFe10Si2 crystallizes in the ThMn12-type tetragonal structure with th
e space group I4/mmm and the lattice parameters: a = 0.8280 (1) nm, c
= 0.4706 (1) nm and c/a = 0.57. In the refinement performed for 317 in
dependent reflections and 10 variable parameters, a final discrepancy
factor R = 4.69% has been reached. The compound is ferromagnetic below
506 K (Fe-57 ME) and 560 K (magnetic). The distribution of the Fe ato
ms in the 8(i), 8(j) and 8(f) positions corresponds to 40, 31 and 29%,
respectively. The Debye temperature determined from the temperature d
ependence of the isomer shift is 340 K.