Comets P/Brorsen-Metcalf and C/Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko appeared. successi
vely in 1989 and displayed various disturbances of their magnetosphere
s. We observed two cases of a phenomenon in which a disconnection even
t of the cometary plasma tail (on August 13 and November 16, 1989) was
followed by a terrestrial magnetic storm (on August 14 and November 1
7). A survey of solar flares suggests that an identical solar flare ex
cited successively the cometary magnetosphere an the Earth's magnetosp
here in each case. The average velocities of the shock front in interp
lanetary space were estimated by using the magnetospheric disturbances
of both the comets and the Earth together with the assumed responsibl
e solar flare. It is speculated from the results that the propagation
of the shock front associated with the flare is not symmetric with res
pect to the radial axis from the flare region of the Sun.