The experiment described here tests the effect of intracerebroventricu
lar (icv) injection of nitric oxide (NO) precursors, such as L-arginin
e (L-arg) and nitroprusside (NP), on the thermogenic changes induced b
y lesion of the lateral hypothalamus (LH). The firing rate of the nerv
es innervating interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT), along with I
BAT and colonic temperatures (T-IBAT and T-C) were monitored in uretha
ne-anaesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats lesioned in the LH. These va
riables were measured before and after an icy injection of 4 mu mol L-
arg or 400 nmol NP. The same variables were also monitored in: a) lesi
oned rats with icv administration of saline; b) sham-lesioned animals
with icy injection of L-arg or NP; c) sham-lesioned rats with icv inje
ction of saline. The results show that L-arg or NP injection reduces t
he increases in firing rate, T-IBAT, and T-C induced by LH lesion. The
se findings suggest that NO plays a key role in the thermogenic change
s following LH lesion.