Distribution of humic acids (HA) in rats was studied using radioiodina
ted HA injected intraperitoneally. Distribution of I-125 was also stud
ied for comparison. The distribution pattern of HA differed greatly fr
om that of I-125. Except in the thyroid and skin, I-125 was excreted f
rom the body within 24 hours, whereas a large proportion of HA remaine
d in the liver, kidney, skin, thyroid, bone and muscle. The difference
in the distribution pattern and organ/serum radioactivity ratio sugge
sts different kinetics for I-125 and I-125-HA. The distribution patter
n of HA correlated very well with the increased prevalences of organ d
iseases in the blackfoot disease endemic area, as reflected in epidemi
ologic studies. It is hypothesised that HA-metal complexes are possibl
e etiological factors of diseases such as goitre, hepatoma, bladder ca
ncer, vascular disease and diabetes mellitus, and that free radicals a
re the common causative factor.