During December 1988, 24 hours of darkness and clear sky conditions pe
rmitted continuous observations of the O I (6300 Angstrom) airglow by
a Fabry-Perot interferometer located at Thule Air Base, Greenland. Thu
s a continuous record of the F region neutral winds was obtained for t
hat month. During this same time period, a digital ionosonde located a
t Qanaq, Greenland (110 km north of Thule Air Base), was in operation
measuring electron density profiles and F region ion drifts. This comb
ination of ground-based observations allowed the investigation of ion/
neutral coupling at a temporal resolution of about 15 min. Interplanet
ary magnetic field (IMF) data from the IMP 8 satellite were also avail
able from December 16 to 24 and indicated intervals of B-z northward I
MF conditions during this period. Here we investigate the observed res
ponse of the neutral wind to convection changes in the ion drift insid
e the polar cap for southward and northward IMF B-z conditions. In par
ticular, we establish a control day illustrating the typical antisunwa
rd neutral wind and ion drift patterns observed for southward B-z over
Thule and Qanaq, and we compare it with observations made when the IM
F B-z is directed northward. The observations during periods of northw
ard B-z display Sunward directed ion drifts over the polar cap accompa
nied by decreasing antisunward directed neutral winds. We investigate
these times of northward B-z further and demonstrate that the ion drag
term alone cannot describe the observed response in the neutral wind
during northward IMF.