Between 1977 and 1992 four patients with liposarcomas of the head and
neck region were treated and regularly reexamined at the ENT departmen
t of the University of Tuebingen. Our patients were aged 19, 64, 66, a
nd 73 years at primary diagnosis. Three patients were female and one w
as male. The tumors were located in cheek/parotid gland, the neck, the
tracheoesophageal region and larynx/hypopharynx. In three patients co
mplete primary resection was planned. In three cases further surgery w
as necessary due to recurrences. Two patients are free of tumor for se
ven and nine years, respectively. One patient was irradiated with 70 G
y four years after primary surgery since she had developed an unresect
able recurrence. She died eleven years later aged 79 without residual
liposarcoma (autopsy). One patient aged 76 rejected a radical resectio
n and underwent a functional tumor reduction and is alive in fairly go
od condition. Histologically we found one myxoid and three well-differ
entiated liposarcomas. Metastatic spread was not observed. Wide tumor
excision is the therapy of choice. Unresectable tumors can be irradiat
ed successfully (up to 70 Gy are necessary). Representative studies on
the value of chemotherapy have not yet been presented. The main facto
r in clinical behavior and prognosis of this rare tumor is the histolo
gical subtype. While well-differentiated and myxoid liposarcomas show
almost no metastasis and good prognosis, the pleomorphic and round cel
l type do metastize, reccur more often, and have a significantly worse