When several clinical trials report multiple outcomes, meta-analyses o
rdinarily analyse each outcome separately. Instead, by applying genera
lized-least-squares (GLS) regression, Raudenbush et al. showed how to
analyse the multiple outcomes jointly in a single model. A variant of
their GLS approach, discussed here, can incorporate correlations among
the outcomes within treatment groups and thus provide more accurate e
stimates, Also, it facilitates adjustment for covariates. In our appro
ach, each study need not report all outcomes nor evaluate all treatmen
ts. For example, a meta-analysis may evaluate two or more treatments (
one 'treatment' may be a control) and include all randomized controlle
d trials that report on any subset (of one or more) of the treatments
of interest. The analysis omits other treatments that these trials eva
luated but that are not of interest to the meta-analyst. In the propos
ed fixed-effects GLS regression model, study-level and treatment-arm-l
evel covariates may be predictors of one or more of the outcomes. An a
nalysis of rheumatoid arthritis data from trials of second-line drug t
reatments (used after initial standard therapies prove unsatisfactory
for a patient) motivates and applies the method. Data from 44 randomiz
ed controlled trials were used to evaluate the effectiveness of inject
able gold and auranofin on the three outcomes tender joint count, grip
strength, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The covariates in the r
egression model were quality and duration of trial and baseline measur
es of the patients' disease severity and disease activity in each tria
l. The meta-analysis found that gold was significantly more effective
than auranofin on all three treatment outcomes. For all estimated coef
ficients, the multiple-outcomes model produced moderate changes in the
ir values and slightly smaller standard errors, to the three separate
outcomes models.