We analyze the solar and the atmospheric neutrino problems in the cont
ext of three flavor neutrino oscillations. We assume a mass hierarchy
in the vacuum mass eigenvalues mu(3)(2) much greater than mu(2)(2) gre
ater than or equal to mu(1)(2), but make no approximation regarding th
e magnitudes of the mixing angles. We find that there are small but co
ntinuous bands in the parameter space where the constraints imposed by
the current measurements of Ga-71, Cl-37, and Kamiokande experiments
are satisfied at the la level. The allowed parameter space increases d
ramatically if the error bars are enlarged to 1.6 sigma. The electron
neutrino survival probability has a different energy dependence in dif
ferent regions of the parameter space. Measurement of the recoil elect
ron energy spectrum in detectors that use v-e scattering may distingui
sh between some of the allowed regions of parameter space. Finally we
use the results for the parameter space admitted by the solar neutrino
s as an input for the atmospheric neutrino problem and show that there
exists a substantial region of parameter space in which both problems
can be solved.