The ultrastructural localization of adhalin and its relations to dystr
ophin, beta-dystroglycan, and beta-spectrin were studied in normal mur
ine skeletal myofibers. The C-terminal peptides of adhalin and beta-dy
stroglycan were synthesized based on their cDNAs, and the affinity-pur
ified antibodies against these peptides were produced. Single-immunola
beling electron microscopy showed that the adhalin was located just in
side the muscle plasma membrane or inside the myofiber a short distanc
e from the plasma membrane. The adhalin signal was also noted at the s
arcoplasmic side of plasmalemmal invaginations or at vesicular structu
res in subsarcolemmal areas. Double-immunogold-labeling electron micro
scopy disclosed a similar localization of dystrophin, beta-dystroglyca
n, and beta-spectrin. The close association of adhalin with dystrophin
or beta-dystroglycan was demonstrated by formation of doublets by sig
nals of antibodies of adhalin with those of dystrophin or beta-dystrog
lycan and was confirmed by statistical analyses. This study demonstrat
ed that the location of adhalin is close to that of dystrophin and bet
a-dystroglycan at the muscle plasma membrane.