Bone remodeling is a complex process that involves cells from various
lineages, the calcified extracellular bone matrix and a multitude of r
egulation factors that act at both the tissular and cellular levels, R
esorption and formation of bone are regulated at various levels during
the series of events that lead from stem cell proliferation to differ
entiation of mature cells, These events are controlled by calciotropic
hormones, whose indirect cellular effects are mediated by the product
ion of local factors, A host of cytokines and growth factors influence
the proliferation and differentiation of bone cells, and their activi
ties are modulated by a large number of hormones, Resorption by osteoc
lasts is regulated at various stages of the differentiation process by
cytokines produced by osteoblasts or stromal cells, Experimental stud
ies in mice suggest that these local factors play a role in postoophor
ectomy bone loss, although their exact mechanisms of action are not kn
own, Evidence that these factors are involved in postmenopausal bone l
oss is beginning to accumulate, opening up a vast field of investigati