The Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is the most common cause of acute pa
ralysis. It has become evident that the syndrome is heterogeneous and
includes classical demyelinating polyneuropathy, axonal variants and a
cute motor axonal polyneuropathy. Morbidity and mortality result from
autonomic disturbances, involvement of caudal cranial nerves with resp
iratory insufficiency and complications secondary to immobilization. P
athogenetically, both humoral and cellular immune reactions against co
mponents of the myelin sheath play an important role. Glycolipids are
considered important target antigens of a humorally mediated immune at
tack. In the Miller-Fisher syndrome, circulating antibodies to the gan
glioside GQ1b can be detected in serum. Apart from supportive therapy
plasma exchange and high dose intravenous immunoglobulin G have been p
roved efficacious. Their relative merits are currently being evaluated
in a large international multicentre trial.