In Tanguiane (1991, 1993, 1994) we have introduced quantitative indica
tors of representativeness, with which we have estimated the capacity
of individuals and limited groups to represent a collective preference
. We have studied three forms of representation: (a) single representa
tive (president); (b) cabinet which consists of representatives person
ally responsible for certain domains of competence (government); and (
c) council which makes collective decisions by means by voting (parlia
ment). In this paper we examine the appointment of president and vice-
president. In our model it corresponds to the appointment of a cabinet
with two members. We show that it may be impossible to make an optima
l appointment successively, finding first the most representative pres
ident, and matching the vice-president afterwards. The only way which
guarantees their optimal appointment, is choosing them together as a t
eam. We prove, however, that successively chosen president and vice-pr
esident, as a cabinet with two members, have the indicators of represe
ntativeness greater than or equal to 75% of their maximal value. Besid
es we investigate a recursive construction of cabinets and councils by
optimally adding new members one by one. We prove that the indicators
of representativeness of such a recursively constructed cabinet with
k members are greater or equal to (1-2(-k)) 100% of their maximal valu
e. This estimate has the same exponent as that for the optimal cabinet
s, meaning that such a recursive construction provides, if not optimal
, still rather good results. The recursive construction of representat
ive councils is restricted to particular cases, so that an optimal cou
ncil should be chosen simultaneously. In conclusion we discuss the app
licability of the results obtained to real politics.