The roles of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) as key nutrients determin
ing the trophic status of water bodies are examined, and evidence revi
ewed for trends in concentrations of N and P species which occur in fr
eshwaters, primarily in northern temperate environments, Data are repo
rted for water bodies undergoing eutrophication and acidification, esp
ecially water bodies receiving increased nitrogen inputs through the a
tmospheric deposition of nitrogen oxides (NOx). Nutrient loading on gr
oundwaters and surface freshwaters is assessed with respect to causes
and rates of change, relative rates of change for N and P, and implica
tions of change for the future management of lakes, rivers and groundw
aters. In particular, the nature and emphasis of studies for N species
and P fractions in lakes versus rivers and groundwaters are contraste
d. This review paper primarily focuses on results from North America a
nd Europe, particularly for the UK where a wide range of data sets exi
sts. Few nutrient loading data have been published on water bodies in
less developed countries; however, some of the available data are pres
ented to provide a global perspective. In general, N and P concentrati
ons have increased dramatically (>20 times background concentrations)
in many areas and causes vary considerably, ranging from urbanization
to changes in agricultural practices.