Various methods have been conventionally applied for studies of the na
sal cycle. Most of these studies have been through either clinical obs
ervations by rhinologists or by the use of physiological apparatuses.
The purposes of the present study are to develop a different and simpl
ified technique for measuring the nasal cycle and to determine the ext
ent to which the new technique works with actual cases. Five adult sub
jects were required to hold a 8x6 mirror horizontally under the nostri
lsin and to breathe through the nose with the mouth closed. The length
of time required for the exhalation vapor to condense on the mirror w
as measured every 15 minutes from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LR index scores (L-
R/L+R) were calculated on the bases of left and right time, and maximu
m entropy method spectral analysis was used to determine the nasal cyc
le. The results showed that three of the subjects demonstrated signifi
cant periodicities equivalent to about three or four hour ultradian rh
ythms. Some of the problems with individual differences and with this
new method were discussed.