Purpose: We characterize segmental multicystic dysplasia, in which the
re is a duplex collecting system with multicystic changes in the upper
pole. Materials and Methods: Three neonates with an abdominal mass an
d/or prenatal diagnosis of a multicystic kidney were evaluated. Postna
tal ultrasound showed a classic multicystic kidney and small ipsilater
al orthotopic ureterocele in all cases. All patients had ipsilateral g
rade V lower pole reflux and a renal scan showed functioning lower pol
e systems. Results: One patient underwent bilateral ureteroneocystosto
my and another underwent upper pole nephrectomy. There has been reduct
ion in the size of the segmental multicystic kidney in 2 patients and
decrease in reflux grade in 2 (followup 2 to 5 years). Conclusions: Ne
wborns with an apparent multicystic kidney should undergo a voiding cy
stourethrogram and renal scan to confirm the diagnosis. Segmental mult
icystic kidney can be followed nonoperatively in most cases because th
e cysts tend to involute.