Thermodynamic quantities of the aragonite --> calcite transition, were
evaluated using results of calorimetric investigations. (1) Dissoluti
on enthalpies of the CaCO3 polymorphs aragonite and calcite measured n
ear room temperature with different calorimeter, (2) the enthalpy of t
he spontaneous phase transformation obtained by differential scanning
calorimetry, (3) heat capacities and heat capacity differences determi
ned with a heat flux calorimeter as well as previously determined, (4)
e.m.f. data on Gibbs-energies of the phase transition were processed
simultaneously with an optimization routine developed recently. The op
timized data set (25 degrees C) given below corresponds reasonably wit
h CODATA recommendations, however, the precision has markedly improved
. [GRAPHICS] 631,632,633,634,CP2,CP3,CP4,NIL_0006,COVER3,COVER4