Although many species of the fungus Aspergillus have been identified,
the most common human pathogen is A. fumigatus, which has a worldwide
distribution. Although any organ may become infected, pulmonary asperg
illosis is the most common manifestation. The spectrum of pulmonary as
pergillosis includes saprophytic aspergillomas, allergic bronchopulmon
ary aspergillosis, chronic necrotizing aspergillosis, and invasive asp
ergillosis. Immune status of the host, and the presence of under lying
lung disease are important in determining the type of pulmonary invol
vement. Thus, the radiographic findings are variable. This article rev
iews the various manifestations of pulmonary aspergillosis, including
the immune status of the patient, the presence of underlying lung dise
ase, and the radiographic appearance of the different entities.