A cloned Theileria parva telomeric DNA sequence, designated pTpUtel, w
as used to characterize T. parva stocks and clones by hybridization to
EcoRI-digested DNA. Eight of the nine T. parva stocks tested were dis
criminated by the telomeric restriction-fragment-length polymorphisms
(RFLPs). Two isolates derived from buffalo 7014 by tick feeding on dif
ferent occasions were also differentiated using the probe. The probe g
ave comparable results on purified piroplasm or schizont-infected lymp
hocyte DNA and did not cross-hybridize with uninfected bovine DNA. The
telomeric restriction pattern of a cloned T. parva parasite remained
identical after four passages through ticks and cattle. The telomeric
sequence therefore represents a useful additional tool for analysis of
theileriosis epidemiology.