We used plastic capsules that were perforated at one end and filled wi
th silica gel to measure the water vapor pressure (P-N) in nests of Pi
ed Flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) during 1992 And 1993. Nest humidit
y measured daily for 7 to 16 consecutive days of incubation in 31 nest
s averaged 2.1 kPa or 15.7 torr (range 1.8-2.5 kPa). Humidity varied g
reatly from one nest box to another and within individual nests, but d
id not affect the rate of egg water loss or hatching success. Nest hum
idity often was significantly correlated with variations in ambient hu
midity. Large clutches had significantly lower average P-N than small
ones. In general, nest humidity was low at the beginning of incubation
, rose during midincubation, and remained elevated thereafter.