UpI is a basic protein, with molecular mass (similar to 28 kDa) and a
pI>9.4, isolated from the sea anemone Urticina piscivora. It is a pote
nt cardiac stimulatory protein with the partial amino acid sequence K(
15)AKDLT(20)AGASY(25)LTKEA(30)GCTKL(35)QAGCT(40) MYQAY(45)N [1]. The t
oxic effects of UpI and the crude extract from which it was isolated h
ave been investigated on three tumour cell lines: KB, L1210, and HEL 2
99 cells. UpI, however, was less potent on each cell line than the cru
de extract. Since previous experiments had shown extracts of U. pisciv
ora to be haemolytic on erythrocytes of rat, guinea pig and dog, the h
aemolytic action of UpI was investigated. It was found to be a potent
haemolysin on erythrocytes of rat, guinea pig, dog, pig and human, cau
sing haemolysis on erythrocytes of each species tested at concentratio
ns as low as 10(-10) M. Haemolysis was inhibited in a concentration-de
pendent manner by the phospholipid sphingomyelin but not cholesterol.
Using scanning electron microscopy, it is now being shown that UpI pro
duces significant structural damage to membranes of erythrocytes from
rat and guinea pig. It proved to be a potent ichthyotoxin. These data
suggest that sea anemone toxin not only possess different pharmacologi
cal activities but that UpI, one of the active constituents, could be
responsible for the different pharmacological effects exhibited by the
crude extract. (C) 1995 The Italian Pharmacological Society