The problem of Cryptosporidium infection as a public health threat is
being increasingly recognized, Cyclospora cayentensis is a newly recog
nized protozoal parasite that causes prolonged watery diarrhea, An inc
reased effort should be made to diagnose infections with these two org
anisms to facilitate earlier detection of outbreaks of infection withi
n the community, and because an effective treatment for Cyclospora inf
ections is available. The role of microscopy in diagnosing protozoan i
nfections has been questioned, particularly in light of recent evidenc
e that pathogenic Entamoeba histolytica and nonpathogenic Entamoeba di
spar organisms are morphologically indistinguishable, One potentially
promising area is the adaptation of vaccine strategies for inducing mu
cosal immune responses to the delivery of recombinant schistosome and
amebic antigens.