Carbon plasmas produced by radiation from a ruby laser (wavelength 694
.3 nm) focussed onto a carbon target in vacuum are studied spectrescop
ically with a time resolution of 40 ns. Measured line profiles of seve
ral ionic species (CI-CIV) were used to infer electron density and tem
perature at several positions above the target surface as function of
time elapsed after the beginning of the laser pulse. The particle dens
ity at several positions above the target surface as function of time
was judged from corrected line intensities. Experimental data are comp
ared with theoretical predictions made with the effusion model of plas
ma expansion [Kelly, R. and Braren, B., Appl. Phys. B53, 160 (1991)].
The effusion model provided the relative particle density in the expan
ding plasma cloud as a function of initial target temperature. By comp
aring predicted and measured time evolution of particle density, an in
itial target temperature of about 125 eV was inferred. The coupling of
the laser beam energy to the plasma itself was inferred from the fail
ure of the model of the direct target surface heating [Andreic, Z., He
nc-Bartolic, V. and Kunze, H.-J., Physica Scripta 48, 331 (1993)] to p
roduce the required target temperature.