Based on evaluation of 59 probands and their families, we previously d
emonstrated that over 20% of patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomy
opathy (DCM) have familial disease. We acquired 36 additional probands
and found familial disease in 24.2% of the 95 probands in this expand
ed consecutively ascertained cohort. The family history, as reported b
y the patient and relatives is often an unreliable indicator of famili
al disease because patients may be unaware of the significance of a fa
mily history of sudden death, arrhythmia or stroke. We demonstrate tha
t careful family history with review of medical records identifies mor
e familial cases than merely asking the patient if there is a family h
istory of DCM. However, even such a careful family history does not id
entify, all familial cases Some familial cases are identified only by
echocardiographic investigation of asymptomatic relatives. We found no
clinical attributes of probands other than family history, which pred
icted familial disease.