A survey was conducted in eleven north Florida counties to evaluate pr
oduction problems and subsequent research needs in perennial peanut (A
rachis glabrata Benth.) One hundred producers were sent a survey form
requesting information on their crop management practices. Additionall
y, fields were randomly selected in each county for on-site observatio
ns and soils sampled. Sampling was conducted in 51 fields containing a
total of 302 ha (13% of the total cropped area) of perennial peanut,
The producers indicated that the cultivar ''Florigraze'' was grown on
95% of the area. Routine liming and fertilization was practiced on 64
and 73% of the area, respectively, and 36% of the area was irrigated.
A combination of herbicide application and mowing were practiced on 73
% of the area for weed control, Approximately 70% of the perennial pea
nut area was used for hay production. Soil analyses indicated the leve
ls of P, Ca, Mg and pH were in the acceptable range for greater than 7
0% of the fields. However, K levels were low for 37% of the fields. Ni
ne genera of plant parasitic nematodes were identified. The most preva
lent nematodes included species of Criconemoides (Coff) Taylor, Tricho
dorus Allen, Meloidogyne (Kofoid and White) Chitwood, and Helicotylenc
hus Cobb, These data indicated that current cultural practices followe
d by growers are satisfactory in most instances, Research needs includ
e more specific liming and fertilization recommendations, improved wee
d control, and determination of possible losses due to nematode infest