Sixty-five species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi are reported as
new to British Columbia. Nineteen of these are documented from North A
merica for the first rime: Abrothallus cetrariae, Anzina carneonivea,
Arthonia epimela, Brigantiaea purpurata, Buellia cristallifera, Calopl
aca cerinelloides, C. oleicola, Carbonea aggregantula, Dermatocarpon l
inkolae, Fellhanera subtilis, Lecidella laureri, Leprolomma diffusum v
ar. chrysodetoides, Plectocarpon nephromeum, Protothelenella leucothel
ia, Roselliniella nephromatis, Sclerophora amabilis, S. coniophaea, S.
peronella and Verrucaria sphaerospora. An additional 18 species are n
ew to Canada.