A new method is proposed for reconstructing the data from coded apertu
re X/gamma-ray telescopes. This technique, based on the Wiener criteri
on, is essentially a generalisation of existing Wiener filtering metho
ds but is not confined to systems with position independent point sour
ce response functions. The reconstruction method trades off the image
degrading effects of statistical detector noise with the effects of im
perfect source field coding, to produce a minimum error source field e
stimate. It offers advantages if the coding properties of the mask-det
ector configuration considered are not 'ideal' and is particularly use
ful where multiple dithered observations are made of a given source fi
eld. The proposed method is applied to simulated data and to data from
a recent balloon flight of an experimental coded mask telescope. It i
s shown to give better quality images than those formed by more conven
tional methods.