R. Fazio et al., DC AND AC JOSEPHSON EFFECT IN A SUPERCONDUCTOR LUTTINGER-LIQUID SUPERCONDUCTOR SYSTEM, Physical review. B, Condensed matter, 53(10), 1996, pp. 6653-6664
We calculate both the dc and the ac Josephson current through a one-di
mensional system of interacting electrons, connected to two supercondu
ctors by tunnel junctions. We treat the (repulsive) Coulomb interactio
n in the framework of the one-channel, spin-1/2 Luttinger model. The J
osephson current is obtained for two geometries of experimental releva
nce: a quantum wire and a ring. At zero temperature, the critical curr
ent is found to decay algebraically with increasing distance d between
the junctions. The decay is characterized by an exponent which depend
s on the strength of the interaction. At finite temperatures T, lower
than the superconducting transition temperature T-c, there is a crosso
ver from algebraic to exponential decay of the critical current as a f
unction of d, at a distance of the order of HBARv(F)/k(B)T. Moreover,
the dependence of critical current on temperature shows nonmonotonic b
ehavior. If the Luttinger liquid is confined to a ring of circumferenc
e L, coupled capacitively to a gate voltage and threaded by a magnetic
flux, the Josephson current shows remarkable parity effects under the
variation of these parameters. For some values of the gate voltage an
d applied flux, the ring acts as a pi junction. These features an robu
st against thermal fluctuations up to temperatures on the order of HBA
Rv(F)/k(B)L. For the wire geometry, we have also studied the ac-Joseph
son effect. The amplitude and the phase of the time-dependent Josephso
n current are affected by electron-electron interactions. Specifically
, the amplitude shows pronounced oscillations as a function of the bia
s voltage due to the difference between the velocities of spin and cha
rge excitations in the Luttinger liquid. Therefore, the ac-Josephson e
ffect can be used as a tool for the observation of spin-charge separat