Hemochromatosis (HC) is an inherited disorder of iron metabolism and i
s frequently seen in Caucasians. The biochemical defect and the respon
sible gene are unknown, but the HC locus is closely linked to HLA-A on
human chromosome 6 in the region 6p21.3. Although extensive studies h
ave been performed in several populations, the precise location of the
gene is still undefined. Linkage disequilibrium with HC has been dete
cted for loci that are 3 cM apart: HLA class I and D6S105, which is lo
cated on the telomeric side of HLA-A. We have analyzed the inheritance
of several multi-allele polymorphisms that map to 6p (D6S265, Y52, HL
A-F, D6S306, D6S105, D6S464, D6S299) in 34 Italian HC families and in
17 unrelated patients. Significant association with HC was shown for a
lleles of multiple markers in the HLA-A region, For the distant marker
D6S105, but not for the D6S299 marker at 3 cM from HLA-A on the telom
eric side. HC status was unambiguously assigned to 70 affected and 63
unaffected chromosomes from family studies. Thirty five different hapl
otypes were found in 70 HC chromosomes when considering four markers m
ost tighly associated with the disease. A predominant haplotype compri
sing alleles 1-3-1-8 (marker order D6S265, HLA-A, Y52, D6S105) account
ed for 30% of the HC chromosomes and was absent in normals. A minority
of other HC haplotypes could be related to the major haplotype by ass
uming single crossover events. Results of haplotype studies suggest a
founder effect in the Italian population, as previously shown in Austr
alian patients, and a possible common mutation shared with affected in
dividuals of Celtic origin.