Many businesses have had environmental policies for several years but
few have integrated these policies with their business strategy. Examp
les are used to show how this integration has been successfully accomp
lished by different companies with benefits far the company, the envir
onment, and the community. The ways in which integration is achieved v
aries considerably. The firm's financial situation, its unique circums
tances, its impact on the natural environment, and the degree of top l
evel commitment all contribute to the merging of business strategy and
environment policy. Studies from other sources provide powerful indic
ators of lasting business success. These include research on visionary
and adaptable companies. This article offers ideas which bring togeth
er the strategic environmental challenge and the ingredients for susta
inable success in our changing world. These ideas can be used by manag
ers to assess their own organizations and establish an appropriate way
forward. There is increasing evidence that fundamental change is nece
ssary which will mean transforming businesses and establishing new way
s of thinking. A self-assessment scale enables managers to establish w
hat this may mean for their organization.