Jj. Nicholas et al., BACTERIAL DISCITIS CAUSED BY LIMB GANGRENE REQUIRING BELOW-KNEE AMPUTATION, Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 77(3), 1996, pp. 301-304
Two patients presented with disabling back pain and were unable to par
ticipate in physical therapy activities after being admitted to an acu
te rehabilitation center. Both patients had bacterial discitis of the
lumbar spine that was apparently caused by infected ischemic limb tiss
ue, ultimately removed at below-knee amputation. The literature descri
bes many cases of bacterial discitis infected from many sources, but n
ot from ischemic limb tissue requiring subsequent amputation. Many suc
h cases may exist, however, and earlier recognition of this condition
will enable appropriate treatment before vertebral destruction and/or
neurological sequelae. (C) 1996 by the American Congress of Rehabilita
tion Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabi