We performed the first population-based study that determined the magn
itude of the risk and identified the factors predictive of developing
seizure disorders after cerebral infarction. Five hundred thirty-five
consecutive persons without prior unprovoked seizures were followed fr
om their first cerebral infarctions until death or migration out of Ro
chester, Minnesota. Thirty-three patients (6%) developed early seizure
s (within 1 week), 78%; of which occurred within the first 24 hours af
ter infarction. Using multivariate analysis, the only factor predictiv
e of early seizure occurrence was anterior hemisphere location of infa
rct (odds ratio 4.0; 95% CI 1.2 to 13.7). Twenty-seven patients develo
ped an initial late seizure (past I week), whereas 18 developed epilep
sy (recurrent late seizures). Compared with the population in the comm
unity, the risk during the first year was 23 times higher for initial
late seizures and 17 times higher for epilepsy. The cumulative probabi
lity of developing initial late seizures was 3.0% by 1 year, 4.7% by 2
years, 7.4% by 5 years, and 8.9% by 10 years. Independent predictive
factors on multivariate analysis for initial late seizures were early
seizure occurrence (hazard ratio of 7.8 [95% CI 2.8 to 21.7]) and stro
ke recurrence (3.1 [1.2 to 8.3]). Both early seizure occurrence (16.4
[5.5 to 49.2]) and stroke recurrence (3.5 [1.2 to 10.5]) independently
predicted the development of epilepsy as well. We also found that ear
ly seizure occurrence predisposed those with initial late seizures to
develop epilepsy.