We recorded eye and head movements in 13 human immunodeficiency virus
type-1 (HIV-1)-infected patients with CD4 counts of less than or equal
to 500 cells/mm(3) using magnetic search coil oculography. Horizontal
and vertical saccades, smooth pursuit, and vestibular smooth eye move
ments were recorded, as were horizontal antisaccades and vestibular me
mory-guided saccades. Rightward and leftward and upward and downward r
esponses were analyzed separately. Compared to normal control subjects
, HIV-1-infected patients performed the antisaccade test poorly, makin
g the initial antisaccade in the correct direction (away from the targ
et) in only 33% of trials. The mean final gaze position achieved durin
g the vestibular memory-guided saccade task was less accurate for HIV-
1-infected patients than for control subjects, and this cor related wi
th inaccuracies on the antisaccade task. Horizontal saccades, horizont
al and vertical smooth pursuit, and vestibular smooth eye movements we
re quantitatively normal. However, smooth pursuit showed directional a
symmetries, vertically more than horizontally; horizontal and vertical
unpredictable saccades were more inaccurate than predictable saccades
; and vertical saccade latencies were prolonged. In patients with HIV-
1 infection, abnormalities in vertical eye movements and relative asym
metries in smooth pursuit gains, both horizontally and vertically, are
more sensitive and consistent indicators of CNS dysfunction than are
horizontal eye movement abnormalities or measurements of absolute smoo
th pursuit gain and phase.