Twenty-two cases of abscess of the liver are reported. Eighteen were d
ue to pyogenic organisms and four to amebas. The diagnosis was establi
shed based on clinical and laboratory evaluations and, above all, on u
ltrasonography with aspiration of the lesion. The causative organism w
as recovered from the aspirate in 33.3% of cases. Seventeen patients w
ere treated by percutaneous aspiration. Two patients required insertio
n of a drain because of a biliary fistula. The success rate of percuta
neous aspiration with or without drainage was 88.2% in our series. The
two patients who had surgery had loculated abscesses with thick pus.
In conclusion, the diagnosis and treatment of hepatic abscesses have b
enefited from advances in imaging techniques; in particular, aspiratio
n or drainage can be performed simply under ultrasonographic guidance.