The benzene molecule serves as a benchmark among the aromatic hydrocar
bons and has been the subject of numerous experimental and theoretical
studies. Despite such intensive investigations, the precise structure
of the benzene cation (C6H6+) is not known. Now, experiments measurin
g high-resolution slate-to-state threshold photoionization spectra of
benzene concretely establish the terms of vibronic levels in the disto
rted cation that are split by higher order Jahn-Teller coupling betwee
n its (2)E(1g) electronic ground state and v(6)e(2g) in-plane ring-ben
ding vibrational mode. This assignment, in turn, sets the absolute ene
rgy phase of the vibronic pseudorotation in this coordinate and thereb
y offers a definitive experimental determination of the shape of the b
enzene cation.