Determinations of a cognitively impaired elderly adult's competency to
make decisions about self-care, property-care, and medical-care occur
in clinical and legal domains, and obligate clinicians or the state t
o intervene in the interest of protecting the individual or society. T
raditionally, competency assessments utilize expert opinion based on n
europsychological testing, functional evaluation, and competency guide
lines and scales. These assessments have implications for an individua
l's autonomy and present significant challenges to the evaluator. Vali
dated construct definitions and assessment techniques are needed to ad
vance knowledge and practice. In this article, current methods and pro
blems of competency evaluations ale reviewed From this, a construct va
lidation approach to the problem is described. Next, three theoretical
frameworks related to ontological perspectives for competency constru
cts are presented to illustrate different ways of conceptualizing comp
etency. These theoretical frameworks can be used to identify assumptio
ns and organize approaches to assessment and research, and are present
ed as starting points to organize future research and practice.