Infrared spectroscopy was applied to the investigation of normal and o
xidatively modified hepatic nuclei. The hepatic nuclei were oxidized b
y two different free-radical-generating systems. Infrared spectra of o
xidized nuclei were remarkably different from those of normal nuclei;
the major alteration found in the spectra of oxidized nuclei was the e
mergence of a new population of nucleic acids with a hydrogen-bonding
pattern different from that of the normal phosphodiester groups, and a
redistribution of the hydrogen bonding of the protein amide groups of
the histones, indicative of protein-structural rearrangements. The sp
ectral changes in the phosphate bands of the nucleic acid resemble tho
se previously observed in different types of malignant tissue, and sug
gest that there could be a link between nuclei oxidation and carcinoge
nesis which may involve a free-radical-mediated process. (C) 1996 John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.