1. We describe a four-layered neural network (Fig. 1), based on the in
put organization of a collision signaling neuron in the visual system
of the locust, the lobula giant movement detector (LGMD). The 250 phot
oreceptors (''P'' units) in layer 1 are excited by any change in illum
ination, generated when an image edge passes over them. Layers 2 and 3
incorporate both excitatory and inhibitory interactions, and layer 4
consists of a single output element, equivalent to the locust LGMD. 2.
The output element of the neural network, the ''LGMD'', responds dire
ctionally when challenged with approaching versus receding objects, pr
eferring approaching objects (Figs. 2-4). The time course and shape of
the ''LGMD'' response matches that of the LGMD (Fig. 4). Directionali
ty is maintained with objects of various sizes and approach velocities
. The network is tuned to direct approach (Fig. 5). The ''LGMD'' shows
no directional selectivity for translatory motion at a constant veloc
ity across the ''eye'', but its response increases with edge velocity
(Figs. 6 and 9). 3. The critical image cues for a selective response t
o object approach by the ''LGMD'' are edges that change in extent or i
n velocity as they move (Fig. 7). Lateral inhibition is crucial to the
selectivity of the ''LGMD'' and the selective response is abolished o
r else much reduced if lateral inhibition is taken out of the network
(Fig. 7). We conclude that lateral inhibition in the neuronal network
for the locust LGMD also underlies the experimentally observed critica
l image cues for its directional response. 4. Lateral inhibition shape
s the velocity tuning of the network for objects moving in the X and Y
directions without approaching the eye (see Fig. 1). As an edge moves
over the eye at a constant velocity, a race occurs between the excita
tion that is caused by edge movement and which passes down the network
and the inhibition that passes laterally. Excitation must win this ra
ce for units in layer 3 to reach threshold (Fig. 8). The faster the ed
ge moves over the eye the more units in layer 3 reach threshold and pa
ss excitation on to the ''LGMD'' (Fig. 9). 5. Lateral inhibition shape
s the tuning of the network for objects moving in the Z direction, tow
ard or away from the eye (see Fig. 1). As an object approaches the eye
there is a buildup of excitation in the ''LGMD'' throughout the movem
ent whereas the response to object recession is often brief, particula
rly for high velocities. During object motion, a critical race occurs
between excitation passing down the network and inhibition directed la
terally, excitation must win this race for the rapid buildup in excita
tion in the ''LGMD'' as seen in the final stages of object approach (F
igs. 10-12). The buildup is eliminated if, during object approach, exc
itation cannot win this race (as happens when the spread of inhibition
laterally takes <1 ms Fig. 13, D and E). Taking al lateral inhibition
away increases the ''LGMD'' response to object approach, but overall
directional selectivity is reduced as there is also a lot of residual
network excitation following object recession (Fig. 13 B). 6. Directio
nal selectivity for rapidly approaching objects is further enhanced at
the level of the ''LGMD'' by the timing of a feed-forward, inhibitory
loop onto the ''LGMD'', activated when a large number of receptor uni
ts are excited in a shea time. The inhibitory loop is activated at the
end of object approach, truncating the excitatory ''LGMD'' response a
fter approach has ceased, but at the initiation of object recession (
Figs. 2, 3, and 13). Eliminating the feed-forward, inhibitory loop pr
olongs the ''LGMD'' response to both receding and approaching objects
(Fig. 13 F).