Although renal abnormalities have been described in children with Alag
ille's syndrome, cystic kidney disease has not often been documented,
and then usually only at necropsy. Three children with Alagille's synd
rome are described, in two of whom a unilateral multicystic dysplastic
kidney was detected by prenatal ultrasound; in the other, a solitary
cortical cyst was found later in childhood. All have normal renal func
tion, growth, and Liver synthetic function but continue to have clinic
al and biochemical signs of cholestasis. These cases show that unilate
ral cystic kidney disease with or without renal dysplasia may be assoc
iated with Alagille's syndrome, that the clinical course is not necess
arily unfavourable, and that Alagille's syndrome should be included in
the differential diagnosis of cystic kidney disorders associated with
cholestatic liver disease. Patients with Alagille's syndrome should b
e evaluated by renal ultrasound.