Efpm. Vuurman et al., EFFECTS OF SEMPREX-D AND DIPHENHYDRAMINE ON LEARNING IN YOUNG-ADULTS WITH SEASONAL ALLERGIC RHINITIS, Annals of allergy, asthma, & immunology, 76(3), 1996, pp. 247-252
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that
learning ability is impaired in patients with seasonal allergic rhinit
is relative to untreated individuals and to evaluate a combination com
pound (acrivastine 8 mg + pseudo-ephedrine 60 mg) for attenuation of t
he learning impairment in these patients. Background: In a previous st
udy employing the same method it was shown that young children (10 to
12 yrs) suffering from seasonal allergic rhinitis performed significan
tly worse on tests of learning and using knowledge after acute treatme
nt with a sedating antihistamine (diphenhydramine 50 mg) or placebo as
compared with nontreated healthy controls. This effect was partially
reversed by treatment with loratadine. Methods: Sixty-seven young adul
ts suffering from seasonal allergic rhinitis and 28 matched controls w
ere trained on didactic simulation for three consecutive days. Atopic
subjects were treated differentially during training according to a do
uble-blind, randomized, parallel group design with either diphenhydram
ine hydrochloride 50 mg, a combination compound (acrivastine 8 mg + ps
eudoephedrine 60 mg, A + P), or placebo, administered qd. After traini
ng, all atopic subjects were maintained on A + P treatment for 14 days
at which time all groups returned for examination. Results: Mean perf
ormance at the end of training was worse for all atopic subjects combi
ned compared with normal subjects. Subjects treated with diphenhydrami
ne performed significantly worse than either normals (P < .001) or tho
se treated with A + P (P < .001). At the examination, the diphenhydram
ine group's performance differed significantly from those of the norma
l (P < .001) and A + P groups (P < .001). Conclusion: The study suppor
ts our previous finding that allergy symptoms reduce learning ability
which is further reduced by diphenhydramine. Atopic subjects with alle
rgies treated with acrivastine + pseudoephedrine learned as well as no
rmal subjects.