The coupling between convection and surface evaporation is investigate
d to assess the importance of evaporative cooling in regulating the tr
opical sea surface temperature. It is found that such a coupling is sc
ale dependent. On timescales of several days, convective activity enha
nces surface evaporation, which together with the decrease of surface
solar radiation, acts to cool the sea surface, However, on scales of c
limatic interest, convection acts to reduce surface evaporation. High
sea surface temperature gives rise to more convective activity, which
through interaction with the large-scale circulation, increases the lo
w-level large-scale convergence and decreases the surface wind, leadin
g to low evaporation in spite of the increased surface-air humidity di
fference. Therefore, although individual convective events can signifi
cantly enhance surface evaporation on short timescales, the long-term
average effect of convection is to suppress surface evaporation at hig
h SST due to its interaction with the large-scale circulation. One pot
ential implication of this result is that evaporative cooling on clima
te timescales may not provide a negative feedback on the sea surface t
emperature of warm oceans with convectively disturbed tropospheres.