The improved results of cancer therapy justify a careful and critical
analysis of delayed adverse sequelae. Chemotherapy, radiotherapy and s
urgery can variably damage different tissues and organs. In case of ir
reversible organ failure organ transplantation might be an option for
some long-term survivors. We report on three patients, who received or
gan transplants following haemato-oncologic therapy. The first patient
developed anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathy refractory to medical
management 10 years after chemotherapy for B cell lymphoma and was tre
ated successfully by heart transplantation. The second patient with Wi
lms tumor and Denys-Drash syndrome developed end - stage renal failure
10 months after discontinuation of therapy, which was treated by neph
rectomy, hemodialysis and renal transplantation. The third patient und
erwent successful allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for congenita
l sideroblastic anemia but later developed chronic graft versus host d
isease of the liver inducing biliary cirrhosis. Five years after BMT a
successful liver transplantation was performed.