Anterior resection is the method of choice for the treatment of rectal
cancer situated in the upper or middle third of the rectum. Hand-sewn
and stapled anastomosis methods have shown comparable results with re
gard to the rate of leakage. Standardized preoperative bowel preparati
on, antibiotic prophylaxis and a careful surgical technique will lead
to a postoperative lethality of below 5% and a surgical complication r
ate below 15%. The main functional problems following anterior resecti
on consist of incontinence and bladder and sexual dysfunction, but the
se can be partly avoided by careful surgical preparation. There is con
troversy in the literature concerning the positive effect of a protect
ive ileostomy or colostomy. The major principles are: (1) radical rese
ction of the tumor, with complete removal of the mesorectum, leaving a
minimal distal margin of 2 cm, and (2) a meticulous anastomosis techn
ique: tension-free, pulsation blood flow tight.