Pressure changes were registered with videomanometry (simultaneous man
ometry and barium swallow) in the pharynx and in the pharyngoesophagea
l segment (PES) during swallowing. A considerable longitudinal asymmet
ry was found. Peak pressure was highest in the PES, lower in the infer
ior constrictor area, and lowest at the level of the tongue base. The
rate of pressure rise was highest at the level of the PES. The speed o
f propagation of the contraction wave was 13 (+/- 2) cm/sec. There was
no correlation between the measured variables (i.e,, peak pressure, r
ate of pressure rise, and speed of contracting wave). Our findings can
partly be explained by different mechanical constraints at different
levels of the pharynx but may also reflect the organization of neural
control of swallowing in the brainstem. Knowledge of transducer positi
on and orientation is essential for the evaluation of pharyngeal press
ure during swallowing, Such knowledge is best achieved by performing m
anometry simultaneously with fluoroscopy, i.e., videomanometry.