Only few reports about ALL after aplastic anaemias in childhood exist.
It remains still unclear which immunophenotypes of the leukaemias mus
t be expected thereafter. Here it is reported about two children with
quite different immunophenotypes of the leukaemic cells. In the first
one the most common type was found, the constellation of a c-ALL, wher
eas in the other the precise classification was impossible at all. Mye
loic and T-cell markers were present at the same time. This form of le
ukaemia was not influenced therapeutically in a sufficient manner. The
patient died after recovery phases of only short duration. After apla
stic anaemias with fast recovery by prednisolone ALL of different cons
tellation has to be expected. Therefore the antileukaemic treatment im
mediately after recovery of the aplastic anaemia should be taken into