Pm. Hansen et al., POSSIBLE EFFECT OF ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME-INHIBITION AN GLOMERULAR CHARGE SELECTIVITY, Journal of diabetes and its complications, 9(3), 1995, pp. 158-162
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are known to reduce uri
nary albumin excretion (UAE) in diabetic patients. Animal studies have
shown that, besides diminishing the glomerular capillary pressure, AC
E inhibitors might reduce albuminuria by influencing glomerular charge
selectivity through glomerular preservation of heparan sulphate prote
oglycan. In humans, an indirect measurement of glomerular charge selec
tivity can be obtained by calculating the glomerular charge selectivit
y index (SI), a clearance ratio of IgG/IgG(4), two identically sized b
ut differently charged molecules. The aim of the present study was to
evaluate the effect of ACE inhibition on charge selectivity by compari
ng SI in type I (insulin-dependent) diabetic patients with microalbumi
nuria after 6 years of treatment either with or without captopril. Thi
rty-five of 45 patients participating in a prospective randomized stud
y evaluating the effect of captopril in preventing the development of
diabetic nephropathy were included in the present study, 17 being trea
ted with captopril, 18 left as untreated controls. The selectivity ind
ex was calculated after measuring s-IgG, u-IgG, s-IgG(4), and u-IgG(4)
. The results demonstrated a higher selectivity index in the captopril
-treated group [1.21 (0.51-1.94) median (range)] compared to the contr
ol group [0.94 (0.31-1.87)], however, the difference was not statistic
ally significant (p = 0.16). A negative correlation between the select
ivity index and UAE was demonstrated in the captopril-treated group (r
= - 0.77; p = 0.0004), whereas the correlation in the control group d
id not reach statistical significance (r = - 0.3; p = 0.2). It is conc
luded that, though no statistically significant difference was seen in
the selectivity index between captopril-treated and untreated patient
s with type I diabetes, a favorable influence of captopril on glomerul
ar charge selectivity cannot be totally excluded. A prospective study
calculating selectivity index before and during treatment with the ACE
inhibitor is needed.