This study investigated trunk kinematic differences between lifts perf
ormed using either one hand (unsupported) or two hands. These effects
were studied while beginning the lifts from different asymmetric start
ing positions and while lifting different load weights. Each subject l
ifted a box from a lower to an upper platform under one- and two-hande
d lifting conditions. Subjects wore a lumbar spine electrogoniometer,
from which relative motion components were calculated in the trunk's t
hree cardinal planes. Results of this study showed that one-handed lif
ting resulted in significantly higher ranges of motion in the lateral
and transverse planes and greater flexion in the sagittal plane. Back
motion characteristics previously found to be associated with low back
disorders were all significantly higher for one-handed lifts. The two
-handed lift technique, on the other hand, produced overall faster tru
nk motions in the sagittal plane and equal or larger acceleration and
deceleration magnitudes in all planes of motion. Increases in load asy
mmetry affected trunk kinematics, in that magnitude values for range o
f motion, velocity and acceleration became much greater with increasin
gly asymmetric load positions. Increasing the load weight appeared to
have less of an effect on trunk kinematics, with increases in position
mostly occurring during sagittal and lateral bending. These results s
uggest that unsupported one-handed lifting loads the spine more than t
wo-handed lifts, due to the added coupling. Applying these results to
a previously developed model, one-handed lifting was also found to inc
rease one's risk of suffering a low back disorder.