Objectives: Over a period of 13 years (1982-1995), 49 cases of acquire
d toxoplasmosis complicated with ocular and/or neurologic or meningeal
involvement were observed in our toxoplasmosis laboratory. This serie
s includes 43 cases of isolated ocular lesions, 3 cases of meningoence
phalitis (associated with retinochoroiditis in 1 case), 1 case of meni
ngitis with uveitis, 1 case of polyradiculoneuritis and 1 case of faci
al nerve palsy. Methods: The patients were aged 1 to 62 years. None ha
d either spontaneous or iatrogenic immunodeficiency. There were two st
eps in the diagnosis. First congenital infection was eliminated on one
or several of the following criteria: any possibility of maternal inf
ection during pregnancy ruled out in 26 cases, evidence of recent acqu
ired infection (i.e. clinical and/or serological evidence of recent ac
quired toxoplasmosis in 17 cases, retinochoroiditis in non-twin siblin
gs in 3 cases). The second step was to confirm the diagnosis of toxopl
asma infection. Apart from serological evidence of recent infection, c
onfirmation included specific local antibody synthesis in the aqueous
humor of the eye and/or in cerebro-spinal fluid or ocular lesions char
acteristic of toxoplasmosis and absence of other etiology. Results: Oc
ular lesions were unilateral in 43 cases among 45. A mean follow-up of
37.9 months revealed relapses in 14 among 36 patients (39%). As routi
ne serological examination for toxoplasmosis is compulsory in France s
ince 1978, it was possible to document retrospectively the immune stat
us of the mothers of many of the patients of the present series during
pregnancy and to rule out congenital toxoplasmosis in a number of cas
es. This might explain the discrepancy between the relatively large nu
mber of cases in the present series and the fact that complicated acqu
ired toxoplasmosis has been considered hitherto as relatively rare in
immunocompetent patients. Conclusion: Based on the epidemiology of ocu
lar toxoplasmosis and the data obtained here, it is suggested that the
acquired pattern of ocular toxoplasmosis might be more frequent than
estimated up to now.