Xf. Navick et al., A SOLID IONIZATION-CHAMBER OPERATED AT 20 MK, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 370(1), 1996, pp. 213-214
We have built a germanium ''solid ionization chamber'' with aluminium
evaporated electrodes. We obtained very low leakage current complete c
harge collection at 23 mK. However, we found that the spectra evolved
as a function of time. To investigate this effect, the detector has be
en irradiated with the 43, 87, 105, and 662 keV photons of Eu-155 and
Cs-137 and we analyzed this time evolution taking into account the dif
ferent penetration depths of the photons. We also studied the influenc
e of the ''history'' of the detector (the previous polarization voltag
es). We found that the electric field due to the built-in space charge
(presumably induced by carriers trapping) plays an important role, an
d that the time evolution cannot be explained solely by the trapping o
f the carriers generated by each photon.