It has repeatedly been demonstrated that increased levels of social su
pport are positively associated with a smokers likelihood of achieving
abstinence. It remains unclear, however, what specific support behavi
ors influence smoking cessation. This study explores the effects of su
pportive end undermining behaviors experienced by subjects (N = 624) i
n the context of a romantic/marital relationship on a number of smokin
g cessation outcomes. The associations of social support behaviors wit
h one-, two-, and three-year abstinence and recycling and making quit
attempts at 6, 12, 24, and 34 months were examined. Frequencies of bot
h supportive and undermining behaviors predicted the dependent variabl
es under study. Subjects whose spouses demonstrated fewer undermining
behaviors were more likely to be successful continuous abstainers, whe
reas participants' recycling and making quit attempts seemed to be bes
t predicted by a greater frequency of supportive behaviors. Initial su
ccess at cessation might be associated with increased supportive behav
iors by a spouse, whereas lower rates of undermining behaviors might b
e associated with long-term maintenance. Long-term tailored feedback t
o spouses of smokers wanting to quit might be helpful.